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In the escorts industry, there is no denying that beauty is the first quality that everybody looks out for starting from the agency to the client. The recruitment procedure therefore must start with the confirmation of the good looks before anyone checks out on the other qualities. Besides having to check out for the beauty, the recruitment process includes systems in place to test the intelligence and academic levels of the Chinese escorts just to ensure that the agency does not end up with pretty ladies who cannot use their brains when challenged to do so for dear life.


After taking time to confirm that each and every Chinese escort chosen is beautiful enough, the recruitment takes a deeper look at the intellectual note that escorts have to meet people of different backgrounds and social standing and an inability to represent the client’s social standing while in their company could as well jeopardize the service. It is for this reason that the Chinese escorts are also trained on how to handle different situation and how to present themselves without betraying their origin but instead using their origin as a selling point as opposed to a let down.


Language is important in communication and the same applies to the escorts business. Think of the complications that would arise as a result of a complete communication breakdown should a Chinese escort come into contact with a client from another continent who does not comprehend a single word in Chinese. If the Chinese escort is unable to communicate in English, the meeting could as well degenerate into a dead end. The agency has full knowledge of this and therefore ensures that all the Chinese escorts recruited must understand and be able to communicate in English so as to make their interactions with local clients much simpler.


As much as the agency takes extra precautions to ensure that the Chinese escorts recruited all can understand and communicate in English, the other task that they also have to undergo include the basic orientation on how to navigate the city. It is obvious that when a visitor seeks the services of an escort within the London areas, he will assume that the escort knows the way about and as such it would be quite disappointing if a client coming into town from another location decided to get the services of Chinese escorts in London only to discover that the Chinese escorts in London are equally green as regards the inner matters of the city.



Learning about some of the important areas in town and where the major landmarks and great restaurants are located in addition to a general understanding of the geographical setting of London is a must before any Chinese escort recruited can be allowed to go for out calls. If the Chinese escort is still not familiar with the city to be able to go out and know her way around, it is imperative upon the agency to keep her safely working inside to ensure that she is secure until she is knowledgeable enough to venture out without the fear of straying or even getting lost



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